After a long 6 months.. a lot has changed...
I have definitely missed out on a lot of films.. it's become embarrassing to admit how many I've missed out on....
My list is endless, be it from the typical blockbusters or the indies....
My DVD stack is becoming bigger and bigger...
So who's to blame?
time? that doesn't give anyone a chance to breathe these days?
life? that demands so much to survive?
work? that requires you to wake up so early and drill your brain to make the right decisions...
family and friends? who take out that "only" time that's left to myself...
do I just blame myself for not being able to maintain a good balance between all the above...
tricky question.. and I'd rather keep that answer to myself..
so today on a bright, pleasant, Friday morning... I wake up... and decide to give my blog some life again...
and this time.. since I can't blog about a film I've seen recently...
I'm gonna share something different...
a poem.. from a very interesting book I've stumbled across...
so here goes...
I will tell you: I love you
When all old love languages die
And nothing remains for lovers to say or do
Then my task to move the stones of this world will begin.
I will tell you: I love you
When I feel that my words are worthy of you
and the distance between your eyes and my notebooks disappears,
I will say it when I am able to evoke my childhood,
My horses, my troops, and my cardboard boats
and able to regain the blue time with you upon Beirut's shores
When you were tired, shivering like a fish between my fingers,
And I covered you
With a sheet made of summer stars.
I will tell you: I love you
When I am cured of my schizophrenia
And become a singe person.
I will say it when the city and the desert inside me are reconciled.
When all the tribes leave my blood,
When I will be free of the blue tattoo engraved on my body,
Free of old Arab remedies
which I tried for thirty years
and which told me
To lash you eighty times
For being a woman.
Perhaps I will not say: I love you.
It takes nine months for a flower to bloom,
The night suffers a great deal in giving birth to a star,
Humanity waits a thousand years to produce a prophet,
Why don't you wait then
To be my lover.
Click on the pic to read the original Arabic version (mind the colors, for some reason when I uploaded it, the colors changed to something that doesn't really suit my liking!!)

I have been lucky enough to fall in love more than once in my life...
I have seen the joy, the pain, the wait, and sometimes even the crushing heartbreak..
But isn't that what love is all about.. the experience.. the throbbing of your heart in your throat before you utter a single word...
I used to write poems for myself and for my loved ones.. I read them every now and then and remember how my heart was then and how it is today...
I read this poem that brought back a flood of memories.. some I'd like to remember and some too painful to remember... and some that make me think.. "what if?"
Having said that, I must add that I'm pretty much content with where I am today...
Of course this poem is by a great artist.. a poet some consider to be more than great.. This poem is by Nizar Kabbani...which is why I decided to post it in both languages... the original(Arabic) and its translation...
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did...
Over and out...